
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Glorious Day of the Lord Jesus Christ

Just as a magnet attracts a metallic substance through a magnetic force, CHRIST who is our Messiah will also attract us (true believers) through the Holy Ghost on that glorious Day when He appears. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 New International Version (NIV) 21  Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm  in Christ. He anointed  us,   22  set his seal  of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. Brethren in Christ, we have hope in the Lord on the last day because of His Holy Spirit living in us and it is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Rom 8:11). Therefore, on that great day, the dead in Christ shall rise first and meet the Lord as He descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God. After that, we who are still alive and are left will then be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever (1Thess

The Free Gift of Eternal Life (The Holy Spirit Never Leaves Us When We Sin)

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, Do you often question your Salvation???  Are you feeling insecure??? Well, this is what the Lord has put in my heart to share with you. It is about the   Free Gift of Eternal Life. 1 John 5:11-13:  "And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. So whoever has God's Son has life; whoever does not have his Son does not have life. I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life" (NLT).  According to this scripture, God wants us to know and be assured that we have eternal life and this is the eternal life we receive from Christ (Our Lord & Saviour) when we   believe   in Him. HE also gives us the Holy Spirit (The advocate) who dwells in us   Forever   and   Never   leaves us.  For John 14:16 reads " And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you

The Bible is NOT just a story book to be read

Do not read a Bible. It is not a story book. Study it because the words are spirit and life which vitalise the body, soul and spirit. According to 2 Tim 3:16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Jesus when he was teaching in Capernaumi in John 6:63 said to his disciples "... the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life ." Jesus Christ is the Word (Jn 1:1) and as we spend more time with the Bible and study it, we put on Christ Himself and are transformed day by day into His likeness.

When a Person makes the Right decision to follow the Right God

When you make the Right decision to follow the Right God through the Right way (CHRIST), HE will link you up with the Right people to put the world into the Right place. Making the decision to know your Creator is wise but knowing Him through the right way is wiser . Jesus Christ is the only  Way, the Truth and the Life  (Jn 14:6) . He (Christ) will make you His disciple and also help you through His Spirit to make more disciples for Himself (Matt 4:19). Through His own wisdom and ways, He will cause the right people to meet you to fulfill His divine purpose. By so doing, His mighty power and glory will be manifested to the whole world through you. We should not worry how this is going to happen but rather trust Him who is forever Faithful.  The Lord God Almighty is the One building His own church and will surely accomplish it. AMEN!!!.

Worshipping God in Spirit and Truth

God should NOT be worshipped with emotion and zeal but in spirit and truth. God is  a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship  him  in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24). Worshiping or praying to God in our own creative but valueless ways profits nothing. Making so much efforts to please people around us with zeal when 'worship' is going on in church is so disappointing to God.  All that God needs is your heart (spirit) because that is where power lies and what He also delights in. You may sometimes pray with zeal or  eloquence but if your prayers are not in spirit and in truth, it will all be in vain . Same thing applies to when we are in a time of worship.  Remember what 1 Cor. 4:20 said, "For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in Power" . Lets always ask the Holy Spirit to guide us during the times of  prayer and worship. God Bless You.

When a Miracle is from God

A miracle must happen to repent souls. A miracle must increase and strengthen the faith of other believers. Above all, a miracle must glorify God. Any miracle that occurs for selfish gains should be subjected to doubt. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). The Power to perform miracles is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:10) which is freely given to sons and daughters of the true light  according to His will which works best in humility and selflessness for the purpose and glory of God . So, let no man take pride, be boastful or take advantage of  it .  We as Christians should be very watchful and discerning enough so that we do not become victims of so-called pastors, bishops, prophets etc. who  brainwash innocent people by their false miracles (Matt. 7:15 &16). May God have mercy on us!!!

Troubles and Persecutions are the staircase to Greatness and Prosperity

Troubles and Persecutions are NOT meant to discourage, suppress or destroy you as a Christian. They are just like a staircase that lead to your arena of Prosperity and Greatness. A true Christian can never be free from troubles or persecutions in this world. Any doctrine which encourages that a true and successful Christian life is achieved on a silver platter is a false one .  The Lord Himself warned His disciples about persecution and hatred. He was hated and persecuted during His time on earth and admonishes us that we will also encounter the same (John 15:18-21).  James 1:2 & 3 (KJV) reads, 2  My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3  Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Troubles, disappointments, challenges and hardships will all come our way but the Lord assures us one thing that 'He has Overcome the world' (John 16:33). How sweet that sounds! This Victory the Lord Jesus Christ has won strengthens,

The Secret of True Perfection

The secret is not for you to strive for perfection but rather to give yourself completely to the PERFECTION that comes by Faith in CHRIST Many have put much effort to be made perfect in their own ways. Many religious people have practiced and sacrificed a lot of things all in the name of becoming righteous in the sight of their supreme being but to no avail. There are instances where some people do not even want to come out of their secret rooms thinking stepping outside will cause them to say or see something or even act in a certain way that will make them to sin and has led them into developing some various kinds of psychiatric disorders. Some Christians have also made several attempts to be righteous in their own selfish ways, not knowing self-righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6). Matthew 5:48 says, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect." The question is, How can we be made perfect? There is a Good New

The Holy Spirit is the Best Teacher

When you read a text in the Bible and you find it obscure, pause and listen to the voice of the inner man. There comes the Sweet Holy Spirit. He is right there to give you the True interpretation. Sometimes, we say a word of prayer and pick up the Bible, open it by chance and our eyes land on a particular verse we find confusing. It's quite funny how such things happen.   In some instances, we read our own meanings into such verses we come across in the Bible. Personal me anings that will please and instruct us for our own comfort and satisfaction. That is not how God wants us to study His Word but rather He desires for us to rely solely on His Spirit in our inner man for the right interpretations that will transform our lives, give us power and wisdom to journey through the christian life in victory. 

The Genuine flow of God's Anointing

GOD loves you to love others. He forgives you to forgive others. He blesses you to bless others. That is how His anointing flows. God's anointing flows through the one who avails himself to be used by Him to the one He wants to touch. The Anointing is on every ' truly born again Christian '. It is suppose to flow for others to benefit. Things that block the anointing from flowing through the heart of believers are envy , hatred , unforgiveness  etc. Christians should be watchful against these evil characters. Jesus commanded us to love one another in John 13:34 and to love our enemies and bless those who curse us in Matthew 5:44. The World English Bible translates the passage as: But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you. The above command seems difficult to comply but when we avail and submit ourselves entirely to the Holy Spirit, '...out of our hear

The Greatest Enemy as a Christian

The Greatest Enem y to you as a Christian is not satan but your Flesh. Your flesh is more close to you than the devil you never knew nor saw. Satan who is a spirit can only operate through a medium. Without it, he can not function. The devil can never have access to your heart (spirit) which is your new self as a born again christian unless you willfully submit yourself under his control. Even during the days of Adam and Eve, the devil has to enter a medium (serpent) to tempt and deceive Eve (a living soul) to eat the forbidding fruit and as a result sin came to the world through the Flesh (a sinful nature). Pastor Mark Bubek defines the flesh this way: “The flesh is a built-in law of failure, making it impossible for natural man to please or serve God. It is a compulsive inner force inherited from man’s fall, which expresses itself in general and specific rebellion against God and His righteousness. The flesh can never be reformed or improved. The only hope for escape fr

The Value of the Holy Spirit Anointing

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is so strong and powerful when it manifests in you but its purpose is perfectly fulfilled through obedience, humility, patience, self-control, gentleness and above all wisdom.   For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). It is never the Will of God (Holy Spirit) to pour His Anointing powerfully on His dear child to disgrace or harm him by making him act awkwardly, strip off his garment,  and go naked through its manifestation as it happened to Saul when he was prophesying in 1 Samuel 19:23-24, but He rather delights in that of His child who can exercise  self-control  as a fruit given by the same Spirit who empowers us with this same Anointing. Also, Gentleness and Patience should be brought to scene when such influence of the Anointing occurs to us but NOT the act of  aggressiveness and impatience . Above all, we should e

A Vessel of Honour for CHRIST

Be a Vessel of Honour  for CHRIST. God is Spirit and He wants to manifest His power and glory through a vessel like you to the world. 2 Timothy 2:20-21  (NIV) reads, 20  In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use.   21  Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes , made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. God is searching for vessels like you to use for not just His purposes but Special purposes. He wants to use you differently and uniquely. All you need to do is to be flexible in His sight and authority. Do not yearn for your will to be done but rather His Perfect Will .  Of course most people are fasting and praying vigorously to God to make them pastors, prophets, prophetesses, deacons, bishops and the likes but they might end up drifting away from God's perfect Will. These titles we wish t