The devil and his agents can only attack us (Christians) but can never destroy us

As christians, the devil and his agents will never cease attacking and wrestling with our souls until the last day but we count it all joy because of our Victory in CHRIST.

1 THESS. 5:23 makes it very clear that man is a tripartite being (spirit, soul and body). Man was created from dust and God breathed into his nostrils and was made a living soul (Gen. 2:7) . In our journey in this life as christians, we will continue to war against satan, his agents and the world till the last day ( Christ's second coming or when one is called to glory).

Before the first coming of Jesus Christ, man was under the bondage of satan until Christ defeated him through His death and resurrection power. Now, by grace through faith, anyone who believes in Christ Jesus as Lord is saved and is given the free gift of eternal life. Man is then made a new creation (being brought from darkness to lightness) and his spirit is quickened forever by the Holy Spirit.

 The devil can never touch or even get close to the spirit of a believer because it is the very life and fire of God (Spirit). Though the devil is capable of possessing the whole being (spirit, soul and body) of an 'unbeliever', the extreme he can go is to attack the believer's soul (emotion, mind and will) but NOT his spirit. This actually happens when the child of God no longer commune with God in prayer and spends less time with the Word of truth (Bible)  or fail to lead a righteous and acceptable life as a christian. In other words, satan and his agents may 'oppress' us (christians) but can NEVER 'possess' us.

Satan attacks children of God in so many ways. One of the ways he or his agent attacks is through 'dreams' while we are asleep. Weak and fragile souls of man often seem to be overcome anytime there is a spiritual battle or attack  happening in the dream. This occurs to the extent that even when there is the need to mention the powerful name of Jesus in the dream, we fail to do so. Some individuals end up experiencing a 'sleep paralysis' and are unable to move their body for a moment whiles they are awake.

Therefore, the spirit (inner man) must grow daily by the in-filling of the Spirit through habitual meditation of the Word, prayer and complete submission to the Holy Spirit (God) into maturity, so that it will have a great impact on the soul in order to be fortified to war against and to defeat satan and his agents through the victory power we have in Jesus Christ our Lord.



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