
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Natural Man, The Carnal Man or The Spiritual Man! Which Are You??

Three Classes of Men from  He That Is Spiritual  by Lewis S. Chafer There is an obvious difference in the character and quality of the daily life of Christians. This difference is acknowledged and defined in the New Testament. There is also a possible improvement in the character and quality of the daily life of many Christians. This improvement is experienced by all such Christians who fulfill certain conditions. These conditions, too, form an important theme in the Word of God. The Apostle Paul, by the Spirit, has divided the whole human family into three groups: (1) The "natural man," who is unregenerate, or unchanged spiritually; (2) the "carnal man," who is a "babe in Christ," and walks "as a man"; and (3) the "spiritual" man. These groups are classified by the Apostle according to their ability to understand and receive a certain body of Truth, which is of things " revealed " unto us by the Spirit. Men are vi

The Word of God And Your Health


God's Perfect Timing!!!


The Smaller And Less Noble Things Are The Greatest
